Transparency is crucial in any aspect. It assumes much more significance in these testing times of Covid-19 outbreak.
Andhra Pradesh government is acting with high transparency in providing details. At this juncture, common people are literally surprised with the opposition leader Chandrababu's criticism.
People are confined to their homes now. If someone posts something on WhatsApp, it will travel the whole world in an hour.
AP government is issuing 2-3 health bulletins daily. They are giving all the new details including the already existing information.
They are giving detailed information like the number of corona affected people in each and every district. They are also providing minute details like name of the village and name of the street. What else is really needed?
Chandrababu is presently staying in Hyderabad. If he takes up the Bus Yatra now, which he has planned sometime ago, he will understand how clean the towns and villages are in the state. How extensively the bleaching powder is used to keep the surroundings of the roads clean.
He will also come to know that fruits and other basic essentials are available to everyone. If anybody has doubts regarding this, he will come to know the reality only after he visits AP.
Moreover, the patients in the quarantine wards are being provided with food that costs Rs .250 per day. There is no exaggeration to say that quarantine ward is better than the homes.
Surprisingly, the situation of Telangana is completely different. They are releasing a number daily, that too, late in the night. No more details are available.
A total of 11 deaths have been registered in Telangana and 272 cases have been identified. It is really sad that 11 people died in Telangana due to Coronavirus. In AP, 226 positive cases have been registered, and the number of deaths is confined to one.
In these tough times, everybody should think above the parties. Rather than supporting efficient actions taken by the government, Chandrababu is staying in Hyderabad, and he is continuously criticizing the government.
It looks like Chandrababu stays close to the people only when he has power.