A special court for Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) cases in Hyderabad on Wednesday returned the petition filed by rebel YSR Congress party MP Kanumuru Raghurama Krishnam Raju seeking cancellation of the bail of YSRC president and Andhra Pradesh chief minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy in the quid pro quo case.
The CBI court said the petition filed by Raju was incomplete as it did not have proper proceedings and connecting documents.
It asked the MP, who represents Narsapuram parliamentary constituency in West Godavari district, to submit the petition afresh with all the relevant documents.
In his petition, Raju pointed out that the CBI had filed as many as 11 charge sheets against Jagan as A-1. He said he was filing a petition in the court as a leader who taken oath, swearing in on the Constitution of India, only to see that the party should not get a bad name because of Jagan.
“It is surprising that even after filing of so many charge sheets, the trial against Jagan has bene going on at a snail’s pace. There has been inordinate delay in the hearing of the cases and my petition is to see that Jagan should get out of these cases at the earliest,” Raju said.
He expressed confidence that the cases against Jagan would be disposed of at the earliest.
“I felt bad with the allegations being made by the opposition parties against Jagan. I filed the case only to deny them a chance to criticise our leader,” he said.
Raju said the way Jagan was avoiding attending the hearing in the trial court was leading to a lot of suspicions.
“We have to safeguard the democracy. Jagan should follow the footsteps of Jayalalithaa and Lalu Prasad Yadav in handing over the power to others till the cases are settled in the court,” he said.