There seems to be no relief for YSR Congress Party social media activist Varra Ravindra Reddy, who was arrested for posting abusive content on social media targeting Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu, his family members, Deputy Chief Minister K. Pawan Kalyan, and Home Minister Vangalapudi Anitha.
On Wednesday, the Pulivendula police took Varra into custody for the second time since his arrest and judicial remand on November 11.
He was transferred from Kadapa Jail to the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) for medical examinations.
Following this, he was interrogated at the Kadapa Cyber Crime Police Station.
The police have intensified their investigation to uncover the conspirators behind Varra, who is alleged to have posted obscene content targeting rival political leaders, including Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy's mother, Vijayamma, and sister, Sharmila.
The Kadapa 4th Additional District Court granted permission on Tuesday for the police to interrogate Varra in the presence of a lawyer on January 8 and 9, from 9 AM to 5 PM.
Accordingly, Varra was taken into custody from Kadapa Central Jail on Wednesday.
Cases were filed against Varra, along with Sajjala Bhargav Reddy and Arjun Reddy, under the IT and Atrocities Acts on November 8. Varra, who is the primary accused (A-1), was arrested on November 11.
In his statement to the police, Varra reportedly admitted to making objectionable posts against leaders of the TDP, Jana Sena, and Congress at the behest of Bhargav Reddy.
In December, Varra was also taken into police custody for two days.
Additionally, two of his associates, who allegedly provided shelter to him despite being aware of his actions, were arrested.