Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy on Thursday told the officials that the revenues of civic bodies must be spent only for the developmental works of any given municipality.
He said the state government should not use the funds for any other purpose.
The Chief Minister on Thursday reviewed the functioning of municipalities and corporations in accordance with the Central government's guidelines for Urban Local Bodies (ULB).
"The revenue of each municipality and corporation has to be spent locally on various projects and initiatives as this makes the municipalities self-sustainable," said Reddy.
The CM said employees' salaries will be directly paid by the state government.
Reddy directed the officials to prepare standard operating procedures (SOPs) focusing on the reforms to be incorporated to provide better services, alongside developing the civic bodies.
Municipal Minister Botsa Satyanarayana, Chief Secretary Nilam Sawhney and other officials attended the review meeting.