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Chandrababu Worried About Amaravati's Brand Image?

Chandrababu Worried About Amaravati's Brand Image?

Chandrababu Naidu has been working hard to build a brand image for Amaravati, relying on perception if not reality. However, he is now deeply concerned about its brand image after the city was hit by severe floods.

There is widespread news that a large part of Amaravati, which is still under development as the state capital, has been inundated by floodwaters, raising concerns about investments, commercial ventures and industries in the region. 

Even national media is hinting on this saying, "Political observers say the flood is a wake-up call for Naidu who has been projecting Amaravati as the state’s capital. The low-lying areas of the city were the first to go under once it started flooding". 

Initially, the TDP tried to dismiss the situation, accusing Sakshi media of tarnishing Amaravati’s brand image with wrong reports. However, the facts are now being reported by national outlets as well, making it difficult for Naidu’s party to control the narrative.

In an effort to divert attention from the widespread criticism, Chandrababu Naidu has been fully engaged in the field, positioning himself as a leader who stands with the people during tough times. He is reprimanding the officials for the delay or inefficency is dealing with rescue operations. 

National media is also reporting on Naidu’s presence in the flood-hit areas, highlighting his efforts to walk through water and travel by boat to reach out to flood victims.

On a whole, it is now up to Chandrababu Naidu to prove that no future floods will inundate Amaravati, showcasing his visionary design and effective engineering plan. It remains to be seen how he will convince the public and potential investors of this.


Tags: Andhra Pradesh Chandrababu Naidu Amaravati