Till the other day, not a single case of Coronavirus was detected in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. But now, the town is shuddering with fear.
Reason: the entire family of Guntur (East) MLA Mohammad Mustafa has now been sent to quarantine, thanks to his brother-in-law who returned from New Delhi recently and held a feast for 500 people. Apparently, three of these guests were suffering from Coronavirus symptoms.
The officials of Guntur district are struggling to identify the people who had attended the party thrown by the MLA’s brother-in-law and isolate them. Apart from the brother-in-law, MLA’s wife and other members of the family are also being tested for Coronavirus.
Inquiries revealed that the MLA’s brother-in-law attended a religious ceremony in Delhi and returned to Vijayawada by train and from there, he came to Guntur.
He later held a party for his friends, relatives and party workers. A few MLAs also reportedly attended the party.
The trouble started when three of them reportedly tested positive for Coronavirus later. This led to a panic situation and the police and the medical department officials put the MLA’s family in quarantine and are looking for the others who attended the party and all those who had met him.
It is learnt all those who attended the party had attended various programmes in the district and also gone to Masjids for Friday prayers. Now, all of them are likely to be shifted to quarantine centres.
There were also reports that the three positive patients also met the MLA, but Mustafa denied the same.