The first arrest in TDP has happened with Achchen Naidu who hails from Srikakulam. It is known that he has been standing as a right hand for Chandrababu Naidu after the defeat of TDP in 2019.
The shocking news for TDP is that the government has taken decision to unleash all the corrupted activities during TDP reign one by one with CBI enquiry. ACB has also tightened its belts and became very active.
It has been an open secret that huge mismanagement and syphoning of funds took place during the five year rule of TDP.
Even Vundavalli Arun Kumar has released many videos pertaining to the suspicions surrounding the prices of mobile phones given to the DWACRA members and also the washing machines for other groups.
Now almost all the TDP leaders those handled different departments are sweating with fear. Not only the leaders but also the officers involved are also under the shadow of arrests.