As the demand for oxygen supply in the hospitals for covid 19 patients is increasing every day, the AP government had decided to establish at least five plants.
The government had marked Rs 7.5 crore to establish three plants in the first phase, each coming in Krishna, Guntur and Nellore districts.
Sources say that the government would spend at least Rs 1.5 crore on each of these oxygen plants.
The initial estimates say that each oxygen plant is expected to generate 24 lakh litres of oxygen per day.
Accordingly, all the five plants proposed are expected to generate over 1.2 crore liters of oxygen per day.
The government had asked the district collectors to identify at least 5 cents of land in each district to establish these plants.
Once these plants are ready, the state would be oxygen surplus and even help other states with the surplus stocks.
Meanwhile, the government had also decided to reopen the three oxygen plants in Ananthapur district, which were closed some time ago.