The bureaucrats in Andhra Pradesh seems to be not so happy with the 2019 general election results yet. They are yet to come out of Chandrababu Naidu’s impressions left on them in the last five years.
There appear three lines in the AP bureaucracy these days if one goes by the style of their work and the decisions implemented.
The one line is that of the BJP leadership. The bureaucrats with BJP line have their own agenda and make fast moves if the decisions are in line with the Central government and delay actions if they are in that line.
The second line of bureaucrats is that of Naidu’s, who still report to the former chief minister and have contacts with the TDP leaders.
There is a third set of officers in the government, who are neither follow the Central government line nor the former chief minister’s line. They are not even coming close to the present chief minister. They are on watching mode, watching the present chief minister and his style of work.
Though the chief minister had been working with his own agenda for the past four months, bureaucracy is still to come to terms. Several decisions are delayed and GOs are issued taking time.
Jagan could push 20 new Acts during the budget session, as the script was ready with him even before the elections. But, now the script and the orders are to be made by the officials, who are yet to accept the new government and its line.
The GOs for appointment of some of Jagan’s key persons in the government posts are delayed disconnecting the communication network between the chief minister and the officials.