Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy has said that the 'one district-one airport' concept is good, and instructed officials to expedite the works on Bhogapuram and Dagadarthi airports in Vizianagaram and Nellore districts.
At the review meeting on ports and airports held on Thursday, the chief minister instructed the officials to plan such that that all airports in the state are identical.
"Efforts should be made for developing the basic infrastructure for the airports, and the runways should be developed to allow even Boeing airplanes to land," he said while telling the officials to put special focus on the development and expansion works on the existing six airports in the state along with the two new airports.
The chief minister said that special focus should be laid on the expansion works of Gannavaram airport catering to Vijayawada and Amaravati, keeping in view the growing traffic.
The officials appraised the chief minister of the work in progress at Tirupati, Kadapa, Rajahmundry, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada and Kurnool airports.
The chief minister also told the officials to take up on a priority basis the construction works of nine fishing harbours and three ports. Work on Bhavanapadu and Ramayapatnam ports will begin soon, the chief minister was informed by officials.
Works taken up on four fishing harbours in the first phase will be completed by October, the officials said. Of the nine fishing harbours, Uppada (East Godavari), Nizampatnam (Guntur), Machilipatnam (Krishna), and Juvvalpalem (Nellore) will be completed in the first phase, officials said.
Remaining five harbours will be taken in the second phase and will be completed in the specified timeline and tenders are to be finalized soon, officials said.
In the second phase, harbours will be coming up at Budagatlapalem (Srikakulam district), Pudimadaka (Visakhapatnam), Biyyaputhippa (West Godavari), Odarevu (Prakasam) and Kothapatnam (Prakasam).
Industries minister Mekapati Goutham Reddy, chief secretary Sameer Sharma, and other officials were present at the review meeting.