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Aaraa vs Smart: Only Two Genuinely Done Surveys?

Aaraa vs Smart: Only Two Genuinely Done Surveys?

Today, about a hundred exit-polls have come to light, each presenting different numbers based on their interests and anticipations. 

However, we have information that only two organizations genuinely conducted their surveys at the ground level, while the rest are either fake or derived from drawing room discussions and calculations through opinion gathering from known people.

The two genuine surveys, according to the information we received, are Aaraa Mastan and Smart. 

There is no significant difference between the numbers projected by these two surveys, but Aaraa mentioned their numbers directly, while Smart used a (+/-) symbol.

While the Aaraa exit-poll is done by Mastan, as everybody knows, the Smart exit poll is given by Lagadapati Madhusudan, the brother of Lagadapati Rajagopal.

Regarding national media, no exit poll is genuine, as none conducted ground-level surveys, as per the reports we received. So, all the numbers shown are fancy and might have only aimed to please a section for the next two days.

Aaraa Mastan is considered genuine not only because of his track record but also for mentioning the names of some big leaders in YCP who are going to lose, showing his unbiased approach despite the belief that he leans towards YCP.

He said that Vijay Sai Reddy is going to face defeat and ministers like Gudivada Amarnath and Roja are also definitely losing. He also predicted that Ambati Ramababu and Vidadala Rajni are going to face tough fights where the scope for winning or losing is very close. He also said that Tammineni Sitaram will lose.

'Smart Exit Poll' by Lagadapati Madhusudan also demonstrated its unbiased stance by projecting numbers that don't completely please the TDP groups. He mentioned 93 for the Alliance but with a symbol of (+/- 8), which means that the final score could also be 85, a losing number. 

At the same time, this exit poll mentioned YCP would end up with 82 (+/- 8), meaning that even 90, a winning number, is possible. This exit poll is thus presented shrewdly.

Though the Smart Exit Poll didn't discuss the fate of the candidates contesting for the Assembly, the status mentioned about Lok Sabha candidates almost aligns with Aaraa Mastan's projections.


Tags: Andhra Pradesh Aaraa Masthan Smart Survey