Coronavirus is said to be more dangerous for the older people above 65 years of age. Doctors have been sensitizing on this point from time to time.
The old people are advised not to step out as they are more vulnerable. Many in the political circles are believing that Chandrababu owing to his age is not coming out fearing the virus attack.
Seconding this presumption, Kodali Nani said, "Chandrababu is afraid of Coronavirus and staying indoors. But he is making his people do politics from home. Opposition should be in the position of giving suggestions to the ruling party in tough times, keeping away from politics. We may not have medicine to kill Coronavirus, but we have medicine to cut the fangs of yellow virus".
He also said, "Initially yellow virus people from TDP tried to throw mud by saying that the grama volunteer system is very bad for society as they may abuse women and get into other unlawful activities. But the same yellow guys are now asking why the grama volunteers are not being used to deliver daily essentials door to door. Due to the practical limitations like unavailability of sufficient delivery bags and to reduce human contact by any means in this Corona time, like any other state, we have followed the distribution of ration at a particular place. TDP loves to point that out and make some politics now".