1) A1 Express: This sports drama starring Sundeep Kishan and Lavanya Tripathi in the main roles could pull very little openings this week despite huge promotions. The turnout of audience to the theatres was meager but still this stood in the first place as the situation of rest of the films is pitiful. Finally, the film is struggling at the box office.
2) Uppena: The theatrical collections are still coming though there is a drastic downfall. The audiences are still not generously coming to the theatres like before. The situation is not really like that of pre covid season. This film has done enough business at the box office in its full run by last week. The makers have also claimed some huge figures.
3) Check: Theatrical run seems to be almost over for this film and the word of mouth publicity is also not working positively. Nithin starring prison story could pull the attention of the audience to some extent but that is not evidently seen in perpetuation at the box office. On a whole whatever the film can do at the theatres is done by last week itself.
4) Play Back: This science fiction drama based on Korean film ‘The Call’ and some aspects of the Netflix series ‘Dark’ could pull the attention of some crowds for its rarity in storyline. Due to the lack of proper star cast and no patronage from the majority crowds the box office is too dull to imagine.
5) Power Play: This Raj Tharun starrer film could garner no collections. The film was almost ignored by the audience at the theatres. The collections are pitiful and in many places the shows were also cancelled. The readiness of the audience to come to theatres is directly proportional to the hype and that is not done for this film prior to its release.