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Tollywood: Time To Press Reset Button?

Tollywood: Time To Press Reset Button?

Telugu film industry has been severely hit by the impact of Corona crisis. The producers were literally on Cloud Nine as the two Sankranthi biggies collected 250 crores. 

Many of them set up crazy projects. Star heroes have doubled, tripled their remunerations. Popular directors, writers started charging huge money considering the demand.

Covid - 19 has applied sudden brakes to all these projects. The indications are coming out that this situation will not become normal till June.

Buyers, exhibitors, overseas market and local market have all been badly hit and the situation may continue for some time in the future. Now, Tollywood has to press the reset button to the existing business model.

Right from the remuneration of heroes to the budget of the films, everything has to be reset now. Analysts are saying that Tollywood needs at least 7-8 months to recover from Corona's knockout punch.

It is really tough to predict the situation of the industry after the recovery phase. So, it is everybody's responsibility to come forward and cut down their remunerations for the well being of the industry.