If we talk about Telugu films, 99% of them are hero-centric. Though we have a history of super hits in lady-oriented films, producers hesitate to invest in female-oriented movies.
They don't attempt more movies in this genre because the return on investment is less even though they have the flexibility to produce the movies in minimum possible budgets. But good days are coming for heroines in this OTT generation.
Returns are a guarantee for Rs.5-6 crores films from OTT platforms. However, the same budget is not enough for hero-centric films.
To match the requirement, the producers are seriously searching for heroine-centric stories. This trend has increased the demand for the heroines who are at the fag end of their careers.
Nayanthara has been doing heroine-oriented films continuously but they are not fetching enough revenue from theatrical collections now.
As the filmmakers started making films for OTT platforms, there is no doubt that several films will be made like 'Penguin'.
Tollywood produced many female-oriented movies at some stage but somehow the number got reduced in the recent past.
Now, the makers are planning to produce them in a huge number. It is better for the heroines to stay fit and ready.