Kiccha Sudeep and and director Anup Bhandari will be joining forces again, after delivering a big hit Vikrant Rona.
This time, they have bigger backing with the Hanu-Man makers- Niranjan Reddy and Chaitanya Reddy of PrimeShow Entertainment backing it.
The film promises to be an extravagant affair, with a substantial budget and high-end technical values aimed at a Pan India audience.
To celebrate Kiccha Sudeep’s birthday, the filmmakers have unveiled the movie’s title logo through a spectacular video.
The video opens with fans and producers eagerly seeking updates about Sudeep’s next project.
It then offers a spectacular glimpse into the film’s elaborate universe set in a futuristic time of 2209 AD, showcasing iconic landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, and the Taj Mahal in ruins, all under the control of a mysterious figure who seems to rule everything.
The title is revealed as Billa Ranga Baashaa (BRB), whereas the tagline is also disclosed as First Blood. The video shows three variations of the character from 3 different set-ups, which is a distinct thought.
The announcement video alone highlights the film’s impressive scale and technical excellence, sparking a huge excitement and anticipation.