Playing the role of Shyam Singha Roy is the biggest challenge so far for Nani, as he had to change body language and diction, accordingly to the character.
Nani underwent a makeover and he looked apt as a Bengali guy, wherein his getup as Vasu is completely contrasting.
Expectations are quite high on the movie, though Nani in his exclusive interview with us says he is game to attempt different movies and he’s not stuck to do one particular genre or role.
“It needed to put in extra efforts, hard work and money for Shyam Singha Roy. We did exactly what it required for the film. I’m always approachable to directors with new ideas.”
Shyam Singha Roy is the most expensive film of Nani and the budget exceeded Nani’s market value. However, the actor says spending over budget is risky for him as well.
“Of course, there’s rick involved for producers, when making a film on high budget. But it’s equally risky for me as well. A film is termed hit, only when it recovers the entire budget. That way, there is risk involved for me as well.”
Nani affirms he didn’t feel risky to work with relatively a newcomer like Rahul Sankrityan for a high budget movie.
“Jersey was also made on solid budget. I didn’t watch Gautam’s previous movie as well. I believe in stories. Shyam Singha Roy’s is a unique story and the treatment is also very different.
Many stories make us feel bored. We rarely get stories like Shyam Singha Roy. Rahul Sankrityan’s narration had me on the edge of my seat. Audience feel much more excited to watch the movie with music and grand visuals.”
Nani says the film set in 1969 and 70’s is an epic love story. “I hope it will become a classic love story. Even the love track with Krithi Shetty looks fresh.”
Shyam Singha Roy’s audio album is a superhit and Nani’s favorite is Rise Of Shyam. “But I got addicted to two songs penned by Sirivennela in multiple listening.”
Nani informs he had basic idea about Bengal culture, before shooting for the movie. “I came to know much more details about Bengali language and how to pronounce dialogues, in the process of making the movie. The film will release in Bengal as well. There are lots of Telugu people out there and I’m getting requests on social media platforms as well.”
The actor informs, Ante Sundaraniki is in last phase of shooting and plans are on to release it in April. “Dasara will begin from next month. Hit 2 production is happening and Meet Cute is in post-production stages.”
Nani treats his son Arjun as a friend, and he says cutting the umbilical cord of his son was most tensed moment in his life. “I wanted to set myself as an example for him.”