Pawan Kalyan criticized Andhra Pradesh Minister Perni Nani with bitter words. He called him 'a sannasi' (useless fellow). Pawan also targeted YS Jagan Mohan Reddy and other YCP leaders in his speech.
But Pawan Kalyan should know certain facts.
Already the movie theatres are functioning in Andhra Pradesh from more than a month. Keeping the GO of reduced ticket prices aside, the exhibitors are selling the tickets and the business is going on. They are managing the MROs and RTOs to ignore the GO.
Keeping Rs 0/- (zero price) in the bookmyshow website, to book the ticket, the exhibitors are extracting the desired ticket price at the box office counters. But the government did nothing so far.
Yesterday, a theatre in Uttarandhra sold out all the tickets in the theatre at huge prices but neither the government nor the Minister moved action on that.
When the situation is like this, many are wondering how Pawan Kalyan can talk like this using cusswords without using his brain.
The industry persons like Natti Kumar have already complained to the government that the distributors are bribing the officers to ignore the GO issued by the government regarding the ticket prices. Then how can Pawan give this long hate speech without any grounds, is the question of many.