There is a hearsay that a set worth Rs 7 Cr is built to shoot Ravi Teja's Tiger Nageswara Rao. This proves to be a costly affair for Ravi Teja's film.
Besides, the actor hikes up his remuneration and claims a pay cheque of Rs 17- 19 Cr from the producers.
So, to produce films with Ravi Teja, a budget hike of 40% looks inevitable. But is it worth it to invest that much? Can the producers get back their money?
Recently Ravi Teja worked in Khiladi and that was the film with the highest budget in his career so far. But that ended up as a disaster due to cost failure. Had that been made on a moderate budget, at least it would have garnered average talk.
Now Tiger Nageswara Rao is surpassing this. The producers are giving pan India color to this.
Ravi Teja's films bring Rs 40-45 Cr if they receive hit talk. Krack proved this. But what will be the plight if it fails at the theatres? Here comes the topic of non theatrical rights.
Ravi Teja's films are bringing the non theatrical rights upto Rs 40 Cr with Hindi dubbing rights being a major chunk.
So, the producers are investing big on Ravi Teja only with this confidence. The remuneration of Ravi Teja is also going up film by film only because of this.