Popular across south India, it's now time for actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu to go global. The Eega and Rangasthalam actress has signed on the dotted line for her first global movie.
The film will be an adaptation of best selling novel, Arrangement of Love by Timeri Murari.
The film will be directed by BAFTA-winning Philip John and produced by Sunita Tati on Guru Films banner, who had earlier collaborated with Samantha for Oh! Baby.
Announcing the project in a tweet, the production house posted, "It is with immense pleasure, we would like to welcome @Samanthaprabhu2 on board for the film adaptation of best selling novel, Arrangement of Love! #PhilipJohn @timerimurari @nimmiharasgama @SunithaTati @gurufilms1 #SamGoesGlobal #ArrangementsOfLove”.
Expressing happiness over working with Philip John and Sunita, Samantha said, "My role is a complex character and it will be both a challenge and an opportunity for me to play it. I cannot wait to get on set.”