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RGV Exclusive: 'India Has To Become China Or North Korea'

RGV Exclusive: 'India Has To Become China Or North Korea'

Ram Gopal Varma has been facing a legal battle for a few days, and this has become widely known.

He has given a series of interviews on the topic but shared new insights during an exclusive interview with GreatAndhra.

When asked about a solution to streamline social media into a peaceful platform without inciting individuals in the name of freedom of expression, RGV stated that the only solution would be to become like China or North Korea—completely suppressing freedom and canceling social media altogether.

He firmly explained that controlling social media is practically impossible as it contradicts the fundamental right to freedom of expression enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

Ram Gopal Varma gave several examples to illustrate the situation regarding social media.

He highlighted the legal sections that protect social media platform owners from facing legal threats unlike way that traditional media channels and newspapers face. 

This interview serves as an eye-opener for many who want to understand the law of the land, freedom of expression, and the rights of the accused as per the Indian Constitution.

RGV also defended himself, expressing his willingness to face judgment in court, even if convicted and sent to prison.

His point makes it clear that the society that considers something illegal may actually be legal as per law. 

During the conversation, he mentioned that he didn’t remember if he had actually tweeted the morphed pictures that are being used as evidence against him. This remark can be interpreted as an attempt to exploit legal loopholes to avoid conviction.

Through this interview, RGV showcased his intelligence, legal knowledge and ability to navigate challenging situations using the law.

Watch the complete interview here:


Tags: India Ram Gopal varma Social Media