Out of the blue, Anasuya posted a video, a format that her followers were accustomed to. However, this time, she made a conscious decision to remain silent.
Many were taken aback as they watched the video, witnessing Anasuya in tears. Subsequently, Anasuya chose to reveal the emotions behind her heartfelt moment.
Upon viewing her Instagram post, numerous people assumed that Anasuya was shedding tears due to the relentless trolling often witnessed on social media.
Anasuya swiftly clarified the actual reason behind her tears, shedding light on the matter.
"After sharing that post on Instagram, I decided to pamper myself with a facial at a salon. As I anticipated, many individuals accurately discerned my feelings. However, not everyone did. I want to make it clear that my tears do not stem from the situation on social media. I am not feeling sadness; it is anger. A deeply personal incident has left me deeply disturbed, prompting me to shed these tears. I chose to capture this moment and share it," Anasuya confessed.
Anasuya unveiled the true cause behind her tears. Nevertheless, it might have been more effective if she had directly revealed this in her initial post.
This nuance was lost on many, leading to the erroneous assumption that Anasuya was crying due to the negativity circulating on social media.
"While I won't deny that the negativity on social media can affect me, I won't break down in tears seeking sympathy. Please do not mistake my tears as a reaction to trolling. I am not that fragile," she emphasized.
There is a prevailing notion that celebrities are expected to always wear a smile, generate memes, and share amusing photoshoots.
Anasuya clarified that her intention in posting the 'crying video' was to convey that even celebrities have feelings, emotions, and occasionally shed tears. However, she felt that her initial intention had been misconstrued, leading to a different interpretation.