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Ravi Teja to Avoid August Release

Ravi Teja to Avoid August Release

Ravi Teja is currently filming "Mr. Bachchan" under the direction of Harish Shankar.

Except for a minor portion, the entire shoot is practically finished, and post-production work is underway.

The producers and director aim to release the film in August, given that the major work has been completed and there aren't many big films up for competition. Releasing in August would likely mean fewer obstacles for the film.

However, Ravi Teja is reportedly opposed to releasing the film in August due to sentimental reasons.

He has had several flops in August, including "Devudu Chesina Manushulu" and "Anjaneyulu." Consequently, he prefers that “Mr. Bachchan” be released in September.


Tags: Ravi Teja Mr Bachchan