Gone are those days where the couples used to expect not more than two children. Now the latest trend seems to be begetting as many children as they can. This Is also standing out to be a status symbol.
For many years, especially in India, society used to look at the couples that beget third child, as the culprits of population explosion.
Some couples used to feel embarrassed when their second issue happened to be twins.
Middle class families are still in this mode of having only two kids.
But the affluent and elite couples are considering it a celebration of life to give birth to as many kids as they can.
Priyanka Chopra also joins such a list. She says that she is willing to give birth to as many kids as possible. In a way, she hinted of her dream to give birth to a cricket team as well.
Keeping the socio economic reasons aside, some people support this idea as they say that using contraceptives or getting into abortions will be a hindrance to spiritual growth.