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Police and Navdeep Contradict on Drug case

Police and Navdeep Contradict on Drug case

On Thursday, the Telangana State Anti-Narcotics Bureau (TSNAB) and the police arrested eight individuals for allegedly possessing drugs.

TSNAB director CV Anand stated that eight more individuals, including businessmen and film personalities, are suspected of selling drugs, and special teams have been assembled to locate them.

During the press conference, Anand specifically mentioned actor Navdeep.

However, Navdeep claims it's not him but someone else. He asserted that the police were referring to a man with the same name as him.

"That's not me, gentlemen. I'm right here... please clarify, thanks," he tweeted.

Nevertheless, Navdeep's name has frequently surfaced in drug-related cases.


Tags: Navdeep Drug case