With rumors of the postponement of all biggies going viral, Pawan Kalyan’s fans are demanding the makers of “Bheemla Nayak” stick to the date. Do not change the date, they write to the producer.
The makers are releasing the first song on September 2nd. and the song will carry the release date as of January 12, 2022. But a strong buzz in the industry is that they will move the film to January 26.
On social media platforms, Pawan Kalyan’s fans are tagging the producer Naga Vamsi, and urging him not to make such a mistake. They are asking him to keep the Pongal plans alive.
“Bheemla Nayak” has generated great hype after the title teaser was released. It has mass appeal. Directed by Saagara Chandra and written by Trivikram, the film also has Rana.
The multi-starrer has the potential to become a blockbuster if the makers plan the release perfectly.