RRR can never hit the theatres. I firmly feel this considering the trends of Coronavirus and the pandemic surrounding the world.
RRR is not a regional film. It's a pan national film and should be released simultaneously in all the regions.
That means, there shouldn't be a corona wave anywhere in the world, especially in the entire India, USA, UAE and some other parts of the world. Otherwise, logistics and agreements won't work.
Right now the USA is seeing record high cases. Kerala's curve is striding upwards.
Though the situation in AP, Telangana, Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Northern India look favorable at present, no decision can be taken until Kerala and USA get well.
If the release is planned for October 2021 as the makers announced, who can say what could be the plight of different centers by that time?
The uprise in Kerala may spread to other states or the curve may get flattened miraculously like in the UK and Indonesia. But nothing can be predicted and planned.
Some are saying that the film is rescheduled to release in theatres by 2022 January or March. But will the world become Corona free by then?
Now the schools are getting reopened giving scope for increase in pandemic cases. The positive cases are in fact getting recorded irrespective of the vaccination drive around the world.
How can people feel free to come to theatres and watch films with families and kids in this scenario?
The recent films Bell Bottom in Hindi and Raja Raja Chora in Telugu would have attracted huge patronage from the family audiences had they been released in BC (Before Corona).
Both the films recorded the poorest collections due to no patronage from family audiences. Whoever watched are only the film buffs among the youngsters.
RRR is a film for everyone. It cannot win the box office only by the regular young audience at theatres.
All said and done, the only way for RRR is to release on the OTT platform. It may even go for the 'Pay and View' model online for better revenues.
Or else it should wait till the end of the world to release in theatres. Because, the world has already declared that we have to live with the virus. The pandemic waves are bound to surge somewhere in the world at every point of time.
Ayodhya Kumar, UK