Pawan Kalyan wanted to project himself as the savior of the Kamma community in Andhra Pradesh.
He wished to propagate that Kammas are under the tyranny of the present AP Government and so he wanted to extend a helping hand for the victimized community.
Pawan Kalyan wanted to see Kamma-Kapu alliance in AP Politics in the form of TDP-Janasena tie up to bulldoze Reddy rule. But that alliance is not at all advisable now.
As the result of MAA, though a small election, impacted in a bigger way on the society, the TDP-Janasena alliance may be counter productive.
As per the ground level analysis the Kapu voters may not vote for Kamma leaders after seeing the bitter fight between Mega and Manchu families in MAA Elections. So Pawan Kalyan's plans to make Kapus shoulder the palanquin of Kamma party are shattered.
It will be a politically suicidal move if Pawan Kalyan still makes his moves towards the alliance with TDP.