NTR and Rajinikanth are Tollywood and Kollywood's biggest stars, respectively. We're all aware of how popular the stars are not only in their home countries, but also around the globe.
Both NTR and Rajinikanth have been invited as chief guests to a special event in Karnataka.
On November 1st, the Karnataka state government will hold a grand event to honour their most loved person, late shri. Puneeth Rajkumar.
On November 1st, the Karnataka state government decided to bestow the state's highest honour, the Karnataka Ratna, on the late Puneeth Rajkumar.
According to public representatives of the Karnataka state government, Jr NTR and Rajinikanth will be the main guests at this event.
Karnataka is one such state where NTR and Rajinikanth are both extremely popular. We all know that NTR's mother is from Karnataka, so the state has always been a second home for Tarak.
Rajinikanth is a superstar throughout the country, whether in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, or elsewhere. The state of Karnataka, on the other hand, holds high regard and affection for both of its star actors.
On this special occasion, it will be a treat for the eyes to see the most celebrated superstars.