Noted director Chandoo Mondeti and actress Nivetha Pethuraj are making their OTT debut with Bloody Mary, a crime thriller being bankrolled by T G Vishwa Prasad of People Media Factory.
Ahead of release on Aha on April 15, the trailer has been released and it shows Nivetha Pethuraj in a striking manner. The 1.06 minute trailer is gripping from the word go till the end and promises an all out crime fare.
100 per cent Telugu OTT platform Aha is lately focusing on shows novel concepts and Bloody Mary is said to be yet another different attempt which will be streamed soon on the platform.
Karthik Gattamneni is the cinematographer of Bloody May, while music is being scored by Kaala Bhairava. It is said Nivetha Pethuraj has undergone a makeover for the web series.