Actress Nivetha Pethuraj took to social media to speak out against the recent reports. According to the rumors, a prominent politician is "spending money on her".
The rumors circulating on social media have now been reported by mainstream media sites, prompting her to respond.
“Lately there has been false news circulating about money being lavishly spent on me. I kept quiet because I thought people who are speaking about this will have some humanity to verify the information they receive before mindlessly spoiling a girl’s life. My family and I have been under extreme stress since few days. Please think before spreading such false news,” she wrote.
Reports indicated that she obtained film offers due to the influence of this top politician from Tamil Nadu.
Rumors have surfaced suggesting that she is receiving financial support as she maintains a lavish lifestyle. However, she said all these speculations are wrong.
“I have never ever asked any producer or director or hero to cast me or give me movie opportunities. I have done over 20 films and it was all that found me. I was and never will be greedy for work or money. I can confirm that none of the information spoken about me so far is true,” she added.