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Nikhil Uses Social Distancing for 6-Pack

Nikhil Uses Social Distancing for 6-Pack

Social distancing is key to contain the spread of coronavirus and all the movie stars are now effectively using this period to build body or listening to scripts from young directors.

Nikhil Siddharth who recently launched two films “Karthikeya 2” and “18 Pages” is doing workouts at home. He has already built biceps and in the next four weeks, he plans to attain six-pack abs.

“Social Distancing... Will be utilized to work on my body... in 4 weeks the T-Shirt comes off,” he posted on Instagram.

Nikhil Siddharth has not made any statement about his upcoming wedding celebrations whether he’d postpone it for a later day. He recently got engaged to his long-time girlfriend Dr.Pallavi Varma. Their wedding muhurtham is on April 16th.

In the wake of the corona, the Telangana state government has asked people to either restrict the guestlist for wedding celebrations or postpone it.

It looks like Nikhil will go ahead with his wedding muhurtham.