It was all fun and masti for the housemates in the first two weeks of Bigg Boss season 4.
Even the Bigg Boss creative team has assigned them entertaining tasks that had never put any of them at loggerheads. The contestants played it safe even when a tricky nomination task was given to them.
They simply self-nominated themselves without even putting up a protest. There was hardly any resistance from other players that were nominated for captaincy post when Noel became the captain with literally no competition at all.
The management and creative team of Bigg Boss sensed that these housemates will keep on sacrificing and avoid conflicts unless it is their only option to survive.
The weekend episode hosted by Nagarjuna was specifically designed to create rifts between the housemates.
The ploy worked superbly as the players rubbed their opponents on the wrong side in certain tasks and hurt each other’s ego pretty badly.
Now they are raring to go at each other with Amma Rajasekhar waiting for a chance to take on Devi Nagavalli and Dethadi Harika looking for a chance to pounce upon Dilse Mehboob.
The cordial relation between Divi and Lasya is broken and Divi also didn’t mince words when she exposed Monal’s hypocritical behavior.
However, housemates are still using Gangavva to project themselves as caring and loveable humans.
Bigg Boss should find a way to keep a check on that and make them treat Gangavva as their opponent.