It is a dream for many celebs to be on the Times Most Desirable Men. If someone is in the Top Five, it is a monumental achievement.
Young Hero Naga Shaurya has exactly managed that. The actor had landed up in fifth place in the prestigious list of Hyderabad Times Most Desirable Men - 2020.
He turned out to be the surprising package of 2020 with his hot looks and amazing transformation.
Shaurya had two different films up his sleeve - Lakshya and Varudu Kavalenu. In Lakshya, he is pumping iron in the film in which he plays an athlete.
In Varudu Kavalenu, he looks like a heartthrob with super good looks and a perfect physique.
Both these looks stunned everyone and made the actor the most desirable.
While it looks simple from the outside, the actor has put tremendous hard work to achieve this feat and he is aptly rewarded.
The actor has two more projects lined up (Phalana Abbai Phalana Ammai and a film with Ira Creations).
He is eagerly waiting up to see the industry up and running to showcase his hard work to the World.