The media in Andhra Pradesh is stooping down to the lowest ever in its ugly political fight. The newspapers and the television channels in the state have lost their core agenda of giving news to the readers and viewers. They are trying to feed them with their choice of politics.
The war is turning ugly with every passing day. The journalism of yesteryears is missing and today's journalism for this media is nothing but promoting the politics of its favored leader or party.
This run for one-upmanship is taking the media to the lowest level ever in Andhra Pradesh.
During the 2019 general elections, Andhra Jyothi media house carried a front page banner story with a photograph and interview of a beggar on the roadside.
The newspaper carried the political and economic analysis of the state and appealed to the people to vote for TDP. This beggar wanted Chandrababu Naidu to win to develop the state.
One wonders if the people of the state have to see the economics through that beggar!
Recently, Eenadu carried a photograph of a man posing as a farmer of Amaravati with a flag in his hand and “Jai Amaravati” slogan painted on his body.
But the very next day Sakshi came out with the fact that the painted man is not a farmer from Amaravati, but a beggar in Tirupati.
Having seen such politically-motivated news, one wonders whether the media stooped down to the level of giving analysis from a beggar or the beggars in Andhra Pradesh have grown to the level of teaching development and economics to the people!