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Lockdown Reviews: These Movies Must Be On Your Watchlist!

Lockdown Reviews: These Movies Must Be On Your Watchlist!

Korean filmmaker Bong Joon-Ho needs no introduction to cinephiles. He is the director of Oscar winning Korean film Parasite.

He has made some memorable movies before Parasite and we recommend a couple of those films that are currently streaming on Netflix India.

The Host: A giant monster emerges from the river and snatches away a little girl from her father and jumps into the river. Her family sets out to locate her.

The Host is not a regular monster movie that offers the thrill of watching a monster kicking and crushing cars and humans that come in its way. 

Bong Joon Ho mixes comedy, thrills, political satire and emotion into it. The two-hour length movie keeps you engaged in the proceedings and invested in its characters.

It is a standout monster film that will not surely impress film critics and entertainment seeking audience.

Streaming On: Netflix India

Okja: In The Host a monster snatches a little girl from her father and in Okja, the bonding between a girl and a giant animal is explored. A multinational corporation takes the animal away from her and transports it to New York.

The girl sets out on a rescue mission. Bong’s brilliance is at display in Okja too. There are multilayers to the story like many of his other films.

There is humour, adventure, social satire and a heart-breaking climax, Bong puts together a rollercoaster of a movie.

There are astonishing visual effects and a strong message and loads of entertainment too. It is a movie that has to be on your watchlist.

Streaming On: Netflix India.