I like him as a villain, as a comedian and and as a character artiste. He was never a hero. He was never into politics as far as I know. Directly or indirectly he neither supported nor opposed any political party. He was a teacher for sometime in his life, later a passionate stage artiste and eventually a film actor by talent.
But is this all his achievement? No? There are many artistes in India. But the biggest achievement for Jayaprakash Reddy's life is getting a tweet from the Prime Minister of India reacting to his death.
I couldn't believe for sometime that PM Narendra Modi has tweeted about JP today.
Generally, the politicians do tweet in such occasions but only for big legendary film heroes and especially when they support their party. Or else they do when the high profile children of the deceased support their party or government.
But Jayaprakash Reddy doesn't fall in this category. Still, PM Narendra Modi and Amit Shah, the two most powerful people in India now have tweeted about him.
This proves to be the highest achievement as far as I understand. Leading a humble life, following the passion, living a simple non controversial life, deciding to retire from hectic schedules, spending time with grandchildren in native place, passing away without taking much time and receiving a condolence message from the Prime Minister.
His family should be proud about him for generations to come. Rest in Peace Jayaprakash Reddy garu.
Pavan Kumar Sharma, Detroit, USA