In this statement, Ranbir Kapoor, talking about his personal approach to dealing with situations where he is lied to or when he is wronged by someone.
He states that he is not a confrontational person and does not have a big ego, which means that he is not quick to anger or take offense when someone does something wrong to him.
In his own words he said- “I don’t have a big ego. I am a very understanding person. If the other person has made a mistake, I am very forgiving. I am not confrontational. I am a sulker. I might sulk, but I will eventually forgive.”
He acknowledges that people can make mistakes, and he is not one to hold grudges or seek revenge. However, he also admits to being a sulker, which means that he may withdraw or sulk in silence when he is upset, rather than directly confronting the person who has wronged him. In fact, this can be called a Saintly nature.
But in contrast to this, recently he was seen throwing away the mobile phone of one of his fans, after getting irritated by him showing off his starry airs!