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Game Changer Hurts Her A Lot

Game Changer Hurts Her A Lot

Anjali played a key role in the film Game Changer, starring Ram Charan. It is destined to be remembered as one of the best characters of her career. However, Anjali says the outcome of the film hurt her deeply.

"There is a difference between a good film and a successful film. No one, who spoke to me after watching Game Changer, said the film wasn’t good. They all said it was a good film. But sometimes, we still get hurt by the outcome. This one hurt me a lot", Anjali shared.

Anjali adds that if one were to discuss the film's result, it would require a special interview of at least 40 minutes.

"I personally believed in Game Changer. I gave it 200 percent of my effort. I also promoted it. There’s only that much one can do, and I did everything I could. The rest is beyond our control, right?" she expressed. 

Anjali concludes by stating that everyone knows what happened with Game Changer. Despite everything, she feels satisfied with having been part of a good film.


Tags: Anjali Game Changer