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Four Constitutional Experts In Yellow Media

Four Constitutional Experts In Yellow Media

Yellow media keeps on mentioning a term "raajyanga nipunulu" (constitutional experts) in its writings on News Dailies. 

For example, they write, "The constitutional experts have explained in detail that it is quite impossible to change the Election Commissioner of any State with the discretion or power of a Chief Minister". 

Well, when enquired who are those highly intellectual constitutional experts those are educating the readers of those dailies, it is revealed that they are four in number and the names are Ramakrishna, Kanna Lakshmi Narayana, Acchennaayudu and Yanamala Ramakrishnudu. 

"Any of these four scholars of Indian Constitution keep showering the rays of their constitutional gyan on our CMD and whatever he passes on to our editors will be composed as an oracle", said a news desk employee of a news daily. 

"They generally say what they wish to happen but not what they know or what they don't know", he concluded.