In the treatment for cancer, sometimes the live cells also get affected.
Similarly when the government wishes to clean a system by bringing in some radical changes, the other sections also get affected.
We are talking about the government of Andhra Pradesh that has brought in a huge turbulence in the film industry with the drastic reduction of ticket prices.
While the idea of the government is to take control of the film business with its own ticket portal and avoid the tax defaulters, the entire industry is getting suffered with this.
The government is saying that its GO is poor man friendly. But so far no poor man is complaining about the high ticket price. Moreover he is shelling out the money to watch the film of his favorite hero. So, then what is the use of reduction in prices when there is no demand from the public?
Keeping that aside, the fans of heroes are highly disappointed and openly expressing on social media that the government is making a big dent to the collections of their heroes' films.
Apart from this, there are many YCP sympathizers and the relatives of ruling party chief among the exhibitors who are in a position of neither acceptance of this GO or condemn.
So far, no one knows who are really happy with this reduction of ticket prices. If the number of such happy population is more than 60% at least, then logically we can conclude that it is a right political move by the Chief Minister to lure the voters. But what is the actual percentage of voters with such happy quotient is the question.