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Exclusive: Ram Charan's 'Game Changer' For Diwali

Exclusive: Ram Charan's 'Game Changer' For Diwali

The movie Game Changer, featuring Ram Charan, directed by Shankar, and produced by Dil Raju, is moving towards its release.

The shooting for Ram Charan's role is nearly complete, with only minor portions remaining.

Director Shankar will take full charge of the film after the second week of July. Producer Dil Raju told Great Andhra that they aim to release the film on Diwali.

When asked about updates on Game Changer, Dil Raju mentioned that no other major Tamil or Telugu movies are set for a Diwali release, so they are targeting this festive season for Game Changer.

He added that director Shankar will be fully involved from the second week of July, which will bring complete clarity to the release schedule.

Dil Raju stated that aside from routine post-production work, not much remains to be done. The CG content will be ready soon, and he plans to announce the release date and unveil new content after consulting with Shankar.

If they miss the Diwali window, the team will aim for a Christmas release. Regardless, Game Changer will be released this year.


Tags: Ram Charan Shankar Game Changer