Megastar Chiranjeevi is facing some health issues as per some reports. He is participating in the shooting at Khammam for the film Acharya.
The shooting is happening at the mines near Illendu. Already three days of the shoot is completed here.
But suddenly Chiranjeevi started suffering from dehydration due to heat waves. He is staying in Minister Ajay Kumar's house.
He has also participated in Sreekaram function yesterday. Due to several hectic schedules and sudden rise in temperatures in the town, he felt dehydrated.
The film Acharya is for the release in May. It is difficult to meet that deadline until the shoot is continued without any intervals.
On the other hand, some sources are saying that the news is wrong and Megastar is completely hale and healthy.
There is no official confirmation or condemnation of the above yet.