Gossips are part of web journalism and not everything that is posted on a website needs to be authentic.
Readers take it with a pinch of salt as they don’t mind much about the ‘masala stuff’ and only care about the ‘informative’ and ‘analytical’ updates.
However, some websites thrive on ‘mudslinging’ and ‘finger pointing’ the leading web portals because they neither have the resources nor experience to compete with them.
There is one website in particular that is known for its never ending ‘Babu’ bhajana and the glorification of the ‘Yellow’ world. Being biased towards a party or a community is not an issue until they stick to it.
But they keep on poking at and name-calling the leading portals for the sake of two minute fame on social media. They call others as ‘gossip websites’, but what’s laughable is they themselves post many gossips on their website.
They have ‘created’ a news report that Samantha is producing a movie with Nandini Reddy as the director. Nandini, known for her dynamic personality didn’t take it light and hit back at them strongly by posting a tweet on her Twitter page.
“My next is not a remake . It’s an original script produced by @SwapnaCinema. Whenever @Samanthaprabhu2 n I do our next we will announce it with a lot of joy and pride . Now, time for the next rumour...my rating for this rumour is 1/5.... come on guys u can do better,” she mixed a bit of humor and sarcasm along with a one star rating to the ‘fake website’.