There were many allegations on Chiranjeevi earlier that he sold out the MLA tickets for a big price in 2009.
There was also a satire that he sold out his party to Congress eventually. But for the first time producer NV Prasad spoke on the dais that Chiranjeevi sold out his property in Chennai to meet the running costs of Praja Rajyam Party in those days.
Though there is no reason to speak about this political stuff on the success meet of Godfather, he opened up on this subject.
Prasad said that Chiranjeevi had a property near Prasad Lab in Chennai which he sold out to meet the expenses of the party and its people. He also made a single liner that Janasena is the answer for the mistakes committed during PRP days.
Prasad also expressed that Chiranjeevi should leave some hesitations and obligations with some people. He did not make it clear with whom he has obligations. It looks like Chiranjeevi is either pushed or being pulled towards Janasena slowly.