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Buzz: Rs 10 Cr For Body Shaping Of Big Hero

Buzz: Rs 10 Cr For Body Shaping Of Big Hero

Everything we see on the screen is fake. The body shape of the actresses, the muscles of heroes and everything are being managed in the digital world.

It was long ago in the film Shivaji, Rajni Kanth was shown with fair skin in a song. That was so convincing back then. Now the technology got far advanced and everything more than skin can be managed easily. But all that costs in Rs Crores.

As per a grapevine, to correct the body shape and face of a big hero in one of the upcoming film, it is costing Rs 10 Cr for the producer.

The reason for delayed making is nothing but this time and money consuming process. Though the hero is not so aged, his body and face have gone out of shape in recent times because of heavy eating and boozing habits.

If he appears with that face and body on the screen, no audience can digest the visual. So the makers are relying on digital correction.

In Bollywood to correct the hands and abs of heroes it costs the producers a couple of crores. A few years back to correct the face of a big hero the producer invested Rs 1 Cr.

So, with so many corrections to be done to this big hero, it is costing Rs 10 Cr for the producers.


Tags: Tollywood