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Buzz: Director Falls in Love Again!

Buzz: Director Falls in Love Again!

He is a director with a decent track record – a mix of successful films and flops. Tall and talkative, the director married a well-educated working professional couple of years ago. 

But they went separate ways very soon. They took divorce legally. 

After separation from his wife, he later was linked to a top actress. There were rumors that she was thinking about either marrying this director or the son of a senior filmmaker. 

But she remained single.

Now, this director is said to have fallen in love with another girl now. Like his first wife, this woman is not from the film industry. 

He reportedly met her at a party and started dating her. As his film is getting delayed for various reasons, he reportedly is using this free time to date her.

Will he be lucky this time in the new relationship? We have to wait and see.


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