Actor Pooja Hegde took to Twitter today to complain about the rude behaviour of an IndiGo staff. The Beast actor said that the Indigo official used an "arrogant, ignorant and threatening tone for no reason".
"Extremely sad with how rude @IndiGo6E staff member, by the name of Vipul Nakashe behaved with us today on our flight out from Mumbai. Absolutely arrogant, ignorant and threatening tone used with us for no reason. Normally I don't tweet abt these issues, but this was truly appalling," Ms Hegde said on Twitter.
The airlines said that they were sorry to note her experience and asked Pooja Hegde to connect with them.
Last month, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation imposed a ₹ 5 lakh fine on IndiGo airlines for not allowing a boy with special needs to board a flight from Ranchi.
The ground staff's refusal to allow the child from boarding the aircraft had drawn widespread criticism, prompting the aviation regulator to launch a probe.
Pooja Hegde was last seen alongside Vijay in the film Beast. The film was directed by Nelson Dilipkumar. She recently also made an appearance at Cannes film festival.