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Anti Dil Raju Wave In Film Industry

Anti Dil Raju Wave In Film Industry

The position of Active Producers' Guild in Telugu Film Industry is like a kid surrounded by the elders in the family.

The Guild feels that it is superior and can dictate terms to the film industry but the other producers outside the Guild are showing their parental control on this young group.

Abhishek Nama raised his voice against the Guild at first and then Tummalapalli Rama Satyanarayana followed.

In the meanwhile, the Council and Chamber maintained their non cooperation with the Guild.

On the other hand, there is no unity within the Guild which was exposed when two of its members didn't agree to stop their shoots as proposed by the Guild.

Now the senior producer Ashwini Dutt opened up and reprimanded the activities of Guild. It should be underlined that his daughter Swapna Dutt is an active member in the Guild.

In the meanwhile Bandla Ganesh released some audio clips and criticized the Guild members in his style.

In fact, the Guild is not doing something against the system. It is working towards the betterment of the industry. But somehow there is no cooperation from the same fraternity.

The reason is being attributed to the supremacy boasted by Dil Raju as the champion of Guild.

Many are feeling that the cooperation will be extended by other producers if Dil Raju moves out and gives the steering of the Guild to some other. 

Dil Raju is commanding the industry by keeping the theatres and Naizam distribution rights in his control which is true.

So, the majority of the producers are unable to digest Dil Raju's power in the industry. Hence, they are showing their non cooperation to Dil Raju but not to the Guild.


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