Everybody knows the plight of women in the Taliban ruled Afghanistan. Way back in 1999 a girl was born in Kabul to an Afghan mother and Iraqi father.
Eventually her parents moved out from Kabul and Warina pursued her studies in New York Film Academy.
Eventually landed in Bollywood from there and as she caught the attention of Salman Khan, she made her debut in 2018 in the film Loveratri.
This story is not known to many among us until she made her debut on the Telugu screen with the special song "Gulebakavali.." in "Bimbisara'', arresting the attention of the audience with her beautiful body and graceful moves.
She proved to be an eye turner by the virtue of her immaculate skin and sensuous features. As "Bimbisara '' worked at the box office, the discussion about this beautiful lady is going on in the social media handles of the Telugu audience.
So, with Warina Hussain, Tollywood had got a connection with Afghanistan as well. Apart from feeling pity for the plight of that nation where tyranny rules, we have a reason to be thankful to that nation for giving this beautiful dancer to Tollywood.